
Alexandra Shulman Vogue Talk At Ravensbourne

Yesterday, I was lucky enough to have a talk by none other than Alexandera Shulman, the editor for British Vogue!

She came to talk to us for 2 hours so managed to get a lot of info from her in that time. She's coming up to 21 years at Vogue which is insane! She isn't the longest running editor though, yet.

Her background actually isn't in fashion but journalism which I found quite intriguing and she shamefully admitted she never wanted to go into journalism or fashion at our age but the music industry! And of course live the rock n roll lifestyle, going to gigs and of course have that boyfriend in a band, ha.

Practically everyone in the room raised their hand when she asked us if we preferred reading print Vogue compared to the app which bought a huge smile to her face as the topic of is print dead is quite a hot right now. She gave quite an insight into what they look for in terms of interns or work experience at Vogue which is of course so useful for students so that was dually noted a long with the persons email that deals with it all, result. She was keen to get our take on wat we'd like to see in the magazine as well and a few good ideas were thrown at her so it'll be interesting to see if any of them appear in the magazine.

I didn't know what to expect from her as a person before the talk but I found her very personable and easy to listen to because she of course is super knowledgable! The experience was amazing I'm so glad I got the opportunity to hear her take on a lot of things and what she makes of the state of British fashion now!

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